1. BODY PART BOWLING have your funeral at a bowling alley, use your head as the bowling ball, and prop up your limbs to be the pins. Your friends and family will LOOOOVE it. Have you ever heard of such a fun funeral? You can't be sad while bowling.
2. have your funeral at webster hall. Book avicii to dj and have playboy bunnies pass around trays of molly. Funeral raves are the new church.
3. have your ;funeral at trans am with the beverage girls. Have you heard about the beverage girls? they go to trans am like once a week and order all of the beverages on the menu. today when they went the restaurant was out of seltzer so they had to buy some at the bodega.
5. have your funeral under the bridge on central ave and evergreen with Devora the woman who lives under said bridge (catch next week's expose: Devora and her bridge clitora)
6. have your funeral in times square! elmo can do the eulogy. cookie monster sad :(
7. HAVE a SERIES FUNERAL. Weekly pop up funerals all over brooklyn! One body part in each borough! A traveling destination funeral. Leave a leg in bay ridge! Bury your head in Williamsburg. Perfect for the on the go types. I was at a cafe once and the barista was wearing this sweatshirt that on the front said NEW YORK CITY: 5 BOROS and then on the arm was written BROOKLYN BRONX MANHATTAN HARLEM TRIBECA so I asked where he got it and he said aeropostale.
8. Turn yourself into a candle. Just do it. You can do it, we all can, you just need to know the secret code. If you look in the mirror and scream candle backwards you turn into a candle. Waxy.
9. Spaghetti funeral, pasta DEATH. FUNDRAISING dinner. For jackets for the homeless. 20$ buy in. Use your death for good not evil.
9.2 Funeral at the gym yoga workshop. BIKRAM. Die during hot yoga, shivasana with what used to be Sharon. Downward dead Dan. Your loved ones can bend your body around toWE WERE HERE BEFORE REDUCTRESS. THEY COPIED US open your chakras. Just because your dead doesn't mean your chakras shouldn't be aligned. Acupuncture with swords. Corpse pose.
9.7 If your family can read have your funeral and Barnes and Noble. Actually could be better if they cant read. One in Union Square has a cafe on the top floor! ever found a dead body at the library? that was me! I put it there, and guess what. its you, from the future. ~beware~.
9.4 FUNERAL BRUNCH mimosas!!!!! Hawaiian brunch funeral IN SPACE????? Lifehack alert: you can rent a space ship from zip car.
brunch surgery do a desert funeral with peyote. Coke yacht mexicali beach funeral
17. a spoooooky spooky haunted house funeral, whose body is it??
This is Christian Amanpour reporting live from Iraq operation desert storm funeral. ISIS themed funeral
19. Bunisness funeral. I;M NOT DYSLECI light breakfast provided. Staff meeting at 1:00 PM. Business casual means a tie. NO SNEAKERS RICHARD. Personal phones off, work phones on silent. Digital note taking only.
drifter white party funeral. Everyone wears white instead of black! Spiritually ambiguous funeral. Baptize your dead body. kosher and halal. vegan funeral. soy protein in the casket instead of your flesh.
YOU DON'T WANT TO SMELL ME WHEN I'M ANGRY HEARING is one thing but seeing is another you've got a deaf wish BITCH
24. have your funeral at Dave & Busters!! so many tickets, so many prizes. And, everyone there is also on the spectrum.
25. mini GOLFUNERAL, use your head as the ball! "head in one" ;P "FORE!" That would be funny if you used your disembodied head and you accidentally swing it and it hits someone and they look up and its like oh no its a head.