OK GUYs get ready this is gonna be a serious one.
here is a link to the original garbage article .
so bad.
1. the premise is basically that people are like so poor. did you know that? sometimes when you're that poor all you have is garbage. you have no friends or family and all there is for you to do is to speak with your trash trash is love trash is life.
2. i don't even really know why this is a list but the article is full of gems like
"Buddhist belief says happiness is the freedom from want, and yet, what if your life is streamlined out of necessity, and not choice?"
and yet....
so thought provoking.
3. like did you know that sometimes people who go shopping on black friday are actually just really poor and want to buy stuff? I had no fucking clue!!! this whole time i actually thought that everyone who went shopping was a FUCKING IDIOT. thank you so much Stephanie. what is the audience here? who are you speaking to
3. obviously decluttering is ALSO bullshit but. two wrongs don't make a right. two people full of shit don't make an empty room.
"my stuff wasn't just stuff but a reminder that I had a foundation of support of people who had loved me growing up: a painting I’d done as a child that my mom had carefully framed and hung in our house, a set of antique Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls my ferret once chewed an eye out of when I was 15, artwork my mom had collected over the decade we lived in Alaska. Things I grew up with that brought me back to a time of living a carefree life" ok if you can't develop object permanence by adulthood, you have bigger problems than a garage house full of trash. a class based analysis of this conceptual blanket word 'minimalism' its like wow i had no idea that ideas influence other ideas:. 10 subtle classist things I noticed about donald fucking trump. have you heard about wealth inequality??
'Salvation no longer has to do with the divine or the State, but with the ideal form of practical organization. Is this to be traced back to the secularization of conscience effected by Protestantism, to the introjection of divine jurisdiction into daily discipline? The fact is that religion has become part of everyday life, which means that it can no longer be challenged or questioned as to its bases, since it no longer has transcendent value. This is religion as way of life.' - JB.
how bout any historical context, any thought provoking multidisciplinary angles? no just a buzzfeed 'class politics' object article tossed into the void - internet for immediate consumption by the woke so they can remind themselves that its okay to be a hoarder to reify the project of capital, a real banger that will land you in your garage crying because marie kondo told you to throw away your 4th grade water color self portrait.
so bad.
1. the premise is basically that people are like so poor. did you know that? sometimes when you're that poor all you have is garbage. you have no friends or family and all there is for you to do is to speak with your trash trash is love trash is life.
2. i don't even really know why this is a list but the article is full of gems like
"Buddhist belief says happiness is the freedom from want, and yet, what if your life is streamlined out of necessity, and not choice?"
and yet....
so thought provoking.
3. like did you know that sometimes people who go shopping on black friday are actually just really poor and want to buy stuff? I had no fucking clue!!! this whole time i actually thought that everyone who went shopping was a FUCKING IDIOT. thank you so much Stephanie. what is the audience here? who are you speaking to
3. obviously decluttering is ALSO bullshit but. two wrongs don't make a right. two people full of shit don't make an empty room.
"my stuff wasn't just stuff but a reminder that I had a foundation of support of people who had loved me growing up: a painting I’d done as a child that my mom had carefully framed and hung in our house, a set of antique Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls my ferret once chewed an eye out of when I was 15, artwork my mom had collected over the decade we lived in Alaska. Things I grew up with that brought me back to a time of living a carefree life" ok if you can't develop object permanence by adulthood, you have bigger problems than a garage house full of trash. a class based analysis of this conceptual blanket word 'minimalism' its like wow i had no idea that ideas influence other ideas:. 10 subtle classist things I noticed about donald fucking trump. have you heard about wealth inequality??
'Salvation no longer has to do with the divine or the State, but with the ideal form of practical organization. Is this to be traced back to the secularization of conscience effected by Protestantism, to the introjection of divine jurisdiction into daily discipline? The fact is that religion has become part of everyday life, which means that it can no longer be challenged or questioned as to its bases, since it no longer has transcendent value. This is religion as way of life.' - JB.
how bout any historical context, any thought provoking multidisciplinary angles? no just a buzzfeed 'class politics' object article tossed into the void - internet for immediate consumption by the woke so they can remind themselves that its okay to be a hoarder to reify the project of capital, a real banger that will land you in your garage crying because marie kondo told you to throw away your 4th grade water color self portrait.